President's Message

Welcome to Budget Petroleum Trading LLC
My mentor in the oil trade, Mr. Nelson Bunker Hunt was an extraordinary oilman. When the first well he drilled in the Pecos Field of Texas produced gas instead of oil, he built a pipeline to transport the gas to the nearby states, which led to the formation of Titan Resources Corporation. Once one of the richest men in the world, he made and lost fortunes in crude, commodities, thoroughbred race horses, pizza parlors and commercial development. But he will be remembered most for trying to corner the global market in silver, an endeavor that went down in flames, eventually sending him into bankruptcy, when the bubble in the market for the metal burst in 1980. His formula for pulling together complex deals was simple. He knew any deal is right when both sides can profit from it and do business together again — Budget continues to conduct business in this manner. It’s more important to know your weaknesses than your strengths — People who know how much they’re worth aren’t usually worth that much.
Budget Petroleum is a family oriented company based on integrity and tradition. We have built a strong reputation over the years for fair dealing and honest communication. We are deeply committed to taking every measure to protect the environment and the safety of those around us. Being a privately held corporation has provided us with several competitive advantages. We have a long-term perspective on the Company’s growth prospects and financial objectives. We can act quickly to come up with unique and sophisticated solutions.
The famous petroleum geologist Wallace Pratt once said, “Oil is found in the minds of men”. The magic of our success lies in our ability to attract first class talent and stay on the cutting edge of technology. We strive to maintain a culture that fosters trust, teamwork, innovation, and entrepreneurship.
Prudence and meticulous planning has always been at the heart of our decision making process. The Company has a fairly strong financial position and a conservative capital structure that allows us to take advantage of investment opportunities with superior rates of return.
I am proud of our achievements and confident that Budget Petroleum is effectively positioned to grow and continue with precious value and a unique position in the Oil and Gas industry.
Zahid Bashir